Thursday, February 26, 2009

Day 20 and 21 (Wed & Thurs)

It all seemed like it was going to be more of the same...

Wednesday Night Fever
Wednesday night was an unpleasant continuation of the day before. I spent most of the evening with fevers ranging from 100-102 most of the time. Finally just before dawn, when I was recorded at 102.9--the fever broke.

I took the opportunity, while I was 98.7 to have a shower. (When I get out from under the covers I get chills really easily if I have a fever.) I crawled out from my hot moist and sweaty cocoon of a bed, they put a glove on me (a big plastic sleeve that protects the PICC line, so my right arm never gets clean) and bathed.


The Lip 
Well with one issue mostly solved--the fever--another issue raised itself in prominence. My lip, which has had a sore on it for weeks, was especially swollen. So swollen--it was a little hard to eat or talk.

If it were just a fat lip it would be comical--but it hurts...

You might catch some remnants of my chest rash in that pic too.

Oh you may notice in my mustache/beard that my hair has started to fall out.

How do we solve a problem like Adrian?
My immunology doctor and my main doctor were both concerned with my non-stop fevers so they paid extra attention today. They did not seem too concerned with my nosebleeds (I think I forgot to mention these to you all.) or my leg rashes that were spreading.

They were concerned about my lip. My main doctor called for a plastic surgeon to see if it should be biopsied.  He decided it shouldn't.

They were also concerned about my difficulty swallowing. So they ordered tests. Tests which meant I couldn't eat--so there went the swallowing issue.

The Rest of the Day
Jen visited, which was great as always and we spent some nice time together.

And then I slept and slept. I pretty much slept all day, without a fever. Until...

I Left the Floor
So the tests the doctors ordered at around 8:30 AM did not get followed through on until about 4 PM.  Fortunately I was able to do all three at one time.

They wheeled me off the floor for the first time since I've been here. It was sort of weird--especially since in the last few days I had barely been out of my bed, and not even my room.  Of course the timing was great as I had somehow managed to get another fever of 101.5 (after a feverless day). I felt cold and miserable and just pulled the covers over my head as I was wheeled about.

Echo Test
I was first taken for an Echo test, which is one sort of ultrasound. They wanted to check my PICC arm for clots, and my thyroid, which is where the swallowing pain is. My tech was really nice and I started feeling better during this test. I think my fever subsided.

Following that, they took me to another ultrasound. I had to wait in patient holding--a room where they can put stretchers and their patients--and I was in there so long I was wondering if anyone knew I was there.

Finally a tech came out and did an ultrasound on my throat. She did think there was some sort of lump on my thyroid. Not sure what that means yet, but there it is.

Impatient Holding
I was put back into Patient holding before my final test, a CAT scan. I was here forever, and started getting sad--just a little overwhelmed with everything. Also, I really miss Anna--its been three weeks since I read her a story for her nap, told I was going to the hospital and would miss her. I have not seen her since.

Its probably best I don't--I think it would just worry her to see me like this, and I will be out of here in a week or a little more I think.  But its still hard.

After what felt like 25 minutes I was pulled in for my CAT Scan.

CAT Scan
I had one of these done before, but that was for the potential of a brain hemorrhage.  These tests were different. They did one of my sinuses, and they did another of my chest with some sort of dye that they inserted through my PICC line.

The CAT Scan device consists of a stretched with a big wheel near your head. The stretcher moves you back and forth through the wheel to examine whatever part of you its trying to. At the same time there are two little faces in the wheel to let you know when to breath normally (a smiling face) or to hold your breath (a face with full cheeks).

Back to my Floor
On the way back to my floor I saw the sun setting. It is the first time I've seen that in three weeks (my room faces east). I was starving when I got back so made myself some PB&J sandwiches and had a little more of that pie.

And now we will see what the night has in store...


  1. Sorry to hear about the lip, that looks pretty painful. But I love the beard, takes me back to Adrian 10 years ago!

  2. Wait, so that scraggly-ass beard getting nuked by chemo is...a bad thing? I thought this whole hospital trip was just a way to nuke that beard.

    I hope you feel better soon. I'll send you some Burt's Beeswax for after your lip heals up a little.

  3. Yes--the beard is a throwback. But all hair should be gone soon. Burt's beeswax burns. Good marketing--product that hurts.

  4. Yes--the beard is a throwback. But all hair should be gone soon. Burt's beeswax burns. Good marketing--product that hurts.
