Monday, February 9, 2009

Press Secretary 2

By the way--did you know the etemology of Secretary was "keeper of secrets" Secret-ary.

Here's he second update:


Adrian was moved to the critical care ward this afternoon- which sounds bad, but is really a nice thing for him.  Evidently the specific type of Acute Myelogenous Leukemia that he has is relatively rare and his complications were unusual for the nurses assigned to the floor he was on.  Anyway, the bottom line is that he's being treated and is feeling better this evening.  As an added bonus his new room has windows with a view of the lake.  He and Jen both hope he gets to stay there.  And Jen thinks that Susan will still be his dietitian- another bit of good news.

Because so much changes throughout the day I thought it might be easier to just send one message in the evening that sums up whatever may have transpired throughout the day.  I'll try to keep you as up to date as possible without flooding your inbox each day.  

Both Adrian and Jen appreciate all the offers of help, kind words and well wishes and will know they have friends just waiting to step in when needed.  Jen's mom has decided to stay through the week and is helping out at home.

I think that's it.  Hope you all have a good night. 

Oh-with all the shuffling around today I don't know Adrian's new room number but will share when I do.

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