Thursday, March 12, 2009

Day 1 of the First Consolidation (Wednesday)

Ding, ding, ding--Round Two!

So--its time for round two, which is called a consolidation. I basically go through the whole process again, but there will be a few differences.
  • Chemo - is five days instead of seven.
  • Recovery - is outpatient until I get a fever and then I am back in the hospital.
  • Medication - will be given through a port instead of a picc.
And that is that is it.

So, I got a call on Wednesday that they were ready to admit me to "Admission Holding". This means they can bring me in and take blood and such, but that they don't have a room for me yet.

So I arrive, fill out some paperwork, and am taken to a room where I sit and wait. I arrived at the hospital at about 1 pm, and was in that room until 6ish. Quite a long wait in the end, but I had my laptop so stayed occupied. 

They hooked me up with an IV to draw blood, and I doubt they will use it again--I suspect its too small for surgery (for when I get the port) and I am not taking any medication, nor are they drawing more labs. So it hurts a little--and sits there unused. Oh well, not a big deal.

My Room
When I finally get to my room, I am put in another of the narrow rooms with a bed that faces away from the window. They are renovating this floor, and its clear that they have pretty much given up maintaining it from the list of tiny issues:
  • My bed doesn't work--it doesn't raise or lower (they have swapped it out).
  • Some fluorescent lights hum horribly loud.
  • The TV goes "tick, tick, tick" when turned off--so I unplugged it. (The clock also does that so loudly that I pulled out the batteries to sleep :) ). Also the TV remote barely works.
  • The drain in the shower is not bolted down.
  • There is a cabinet drawer without a face--so it just a empty cavity with nails sticking out.
So little things--but they all make the place feel pretty run down.

My view is nice though.

The info about the next steps has been pretty vague. At some point on Thursday I will go to surgery to get a port.  I went NPO (no eating) as of midnight to facilitate this, but am still not sure when surgery is.

After I get my port, I get chemo, and then run through the same process.

And that was Wednesday.

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