Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 26 - Tuesday

Tuesday has only just begun but I have good news!

I am being discharged today.  They will remove my PICC line (I think I will eventually be getting a port) and I will be home for at least a week before doing it all again...



  1. Fabulous news!! So happy for you all. I'm sure it'll be great to have a change of scene!

  2. YEAHHHH!!!!!!
    So glad that you will be/are home for a bit! I want to see you but have been sick--and of course, don't want to be around you or Jen or anyone. Please take this virtual {hug} and know I will give you a real one soon!

  3. haha-that's me (Kelly) above--don't know why it's pulling in my WOW name. :)
